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A2- Adverbs of Frequency

a. Choose the correct option.

1. How often does she make coffee?

a. Often

b. Sometimes 

c. always

2. How often does she take photographs for the magazine?

a. Usually

b. Sometimes 

c.  Never

5. What time does she finish work?

a. At 7:00 pm

b. At 6:00 pm

c. At 5:00 pm

b. Complete the sentences.

1. She ____ meets a friend and goes to her favorite ________.

2. She _____ stays up until ___ in the morning.

c. Answer the following questions.

1. How often does she work at the office?

2. How often does she have dinner at the restaurant?

3. Where does she work?

d. Match true or false.

1. She always eats at home. 

TRUE (   ) FALSE (   )

2. She sometimes watches TV. 

TRUE (   ) FALSE (   )

3. Sara rarely goes to bed early.

TRUE (   ) FALSE (    )

4. Sara never drives.

TRUE (   ) FALSE (    )

5. She often travels by train.

TRUE (   ) FALSE (    )

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